Recently Filed in Apian SurveyPro

Someone on the Apian discussion list had a question about the SurveyPro 5 Answer Summaries feature, which is essentially:

  • You marked these responses, are you sure?
  • Print your replies for your records.

This got me to playing around with it a bit, and I ended up with a largely self-explanatory—because it's annotated—play survey here. (At least for a while, and if I eventually bump it for something else I'll update this post with a PDF or other details :-)

And for your experimenting fun, here's a zip of the SP5 file. For those who don't have SurveyPro 5, you can achieve a similar effect with Answer Piping, which is covered in the Dynamics chapter of your NetCollect User Guide.

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Ann has been a great resource for us. She responds timely, has good suggestions, and really knows her craft. Ann is our primary resource when it comes to major surveys and reports.

Barry L. Brown
Effective Resources